The Business Master (4th Edition)
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Software and Service
IS Strategic Decisions: Desktop Imaging Software
CBEMA: Software and Service Market
Data Analysis Group: Software
Forrester Research: LAN Operating System Market
Forrester Research: Worldwide Software Market
Frost & Sullivan: Network Outsourcing Market
Software Publishers Association: North American PC Software Market
IS Strategic Decisions: Desktop Imaging Software
"The TWAIN specification is the best thing the scanning industry could
have done for users. Suddenly, all TWAIN-compliant software and scanners
will work seamlessly together, simplifying user purchase decisions and
widening product choices. Already, IS predicts healthy sales over the
next four years for both desktop imaging hardware and software. BIS
forecasts that scanner hardware unit sales will jump 40% from 525,000
Mac and PC desktop and hand-held scanners sales in 1991 to 1,313,700 in
1995. A dramatic 50% growth rate is forecast for desktop imaging
software units in 1992--steadily climbing to reach 5,027,000 unit sales
by 1995."--BIS Strategic Decisions
Desktop Imaging
Software (K) 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Image Editing Software 495.0 843.0 876.0 1,069.0 1,256.0
Illustration Software 325.0 460.0 575.0 690.0 759.0
OCR Software 260.0 339.0 403.0 474.0 547.0
Page Composition Software 342.0 363.0 389.0 417.0 446.0
PC Fax Software 75.0 226.0 488.0 929.0 1,579.0
Desktop DIMS Software 21.9 61.0 144.0 274.0 440.0
Total Desktop Imaging
Software 1,518.9 2,292.0 2,875.0 3,853.0 5,027.0
Copyright April 1992, BIS Strategic Decisions, 1 Longwater Circle,
Norwell MA, 02061.
CBEMA: Software and Service Market
"The computer software and services sector of the information technology
industry has also experienced rapid growth during the past twenty years.
From a $3.0B market in 1971, it grew to $21.0B in 1981 and is estimated
to have been $107.2B in 1991. This represents a 21.5% CGR for the ten
year period 1971-1981 and 17.7% for the 1981-1991 period. The total U.S.
services industry as a component of GNP rose from 30.6% in 1981 to an
estimated 37.7% in 1991. During this ten year time frame, computer
software and services rose from 2.2% of the U.S. services sector to 5.0%.
`Among the various information technology industry sectors, computer
software and services is forecast to experience the most rapid growth
rate, 12.7% for the period 1991-2002, and reach $401.2B in the year
2002. As markets grow in absolute dollars, their CGRs slow down and this
sector will be no exception. Its rate of increase is expected to be
twice that of GNP and 69% more than the services industry part of GNP."--
Year U.S. Services Growth Software & Growth
Total ($B) Rate (%) Services ($B) Rate (%)
1970 284.0 8.8 2.5 25.0
1971 310.7 9.4 3.0 20.0
1972 341.3 9.8 3.4 13.3
1973 373.0 9.3 4.3 26.5
1974 411.9 10.4 5.5 27.9
1975 461.2 12.0 6.5 18.2
1976 515.9 11.9 7.0 7.7
1977 582.3 12.9 8.0 14.3
1978 656.1 12.7 10.0 25.0
1979 734.6 12.0 13.5 35.0
1980 831.9 13.2 18.0 33.3
1981 934.7 12.4 21.0 16.7
1982 1,027.0 9.9 23.5 11.4
1983 1,128.7 9.9 28.2 20.0
1984 1,227.6 8.8 35.3 25.2
1985 1,345.6 9.6 40.7 15.3
1986 1,449.5 7.7 45.0 10.6
1987 1,584.7 9.3 53.9 19.8
1988 1,720.7 8.6 68.1 26.3
1989 1,845.5 7.3 79.9 17.3
1990 1,983.3 7.5 94.1 17.8
1991E 2,124.6 7.1 107.2 13.9
1992P 2,275.4 7.1 122.0 13.8
1993P 2.435.9 7.1 138.9 13.9
1994P 2,612.5 7.2 157.2 13.2
1995P 2,801.9 7.2 177.5 12.9
1996P 3,007.8 7.3 200.6 13.0
2002P 4,685.7 401.2
'71-'81 (%) 11.6 21.5
`81-'91 (%) 8.6 17.7
`91-'02 (%) 7.5 12.7
Year Business Growth Telecom Growth
Forms ($B) Rate (%) Services ($B) Rate (%)
1970 1.3 8.3 23.7 11.8
1971 1.4 7.7 26.0 9.7
1972 1.5 7.1 29.4 13.1
1973 1.8 20.0 33.7 14.6
1974 2.4 33.3 37.5 11.3
1975 2.3 -4.2 42.1 12.3
1976 2.4 4.3 47.9 13.8
1977 3.0 25.0 53.8 12.3
1978 3.4 13.3 61.4 14.1
1979 4.1 20.6 68.5 11.6
1980 4.6 12.2 76.3 11.4
1981 5.0 8.7 87.8 15.1
1982 5.2 4.0 97.8 11.4
1983 5.5 5.8 102.9 5.2
1984 5.9 7.3 112.6 9.4
1985 6.3 6.8 117.4 4.3
1986 6.7 6.3 123.4 5.1
1987 7.0 4.5 132.3 7.2
1988 7.6 8.6 141.4 6.9
1989 8.1 6.6 148.0 4.7
1990 8.4 3.7 153.5 3.7
1991E 8.8 4.8 159.6 4.0
1992P 9.3 5.7 165.8 3.9
1993P 9.8 5.4 173.3 4.5
1994P 10.3 5.1 181.4 4.7
1995P 10.8 4.9 189.9 4.7
1996P 11.4 5.6 198.8 4.7
2002P 15.2 260.8
`71-'81 (%)13.6 12.9
`81-'91 (%)5.8 6.2
`91-'02 (%)5.1 4.6
Excerpted with permission from CBEMA's (Computer and Business Equipment
Manufacturers Association) The Information Technology Industry Data Book
1960-2002. Copyright 1992, CBEMA, 311 First Street NW, Washington DC
Copyright 1992, BDA Associates, Inc., 32 Dorchester Road, Eastchester,
NY 10709.
Data Analysis Group: Software
"These forecasts of the total U.S. market are based on data reported in
Computer Industry Forecasts since 1984. All forecasts are computed with
a statistical model which weights information inversely to time from
reporting. Forecasts are updated in January and June. There is
approximately 90% confidence that forecasts lie within the Low and High
limits."--Data Analysis Group:
Product Categories Year Low Mid High
Systems Integration ($B) 1990 9.8 12.8 13.2
Systems Integration ($B) 1991 11.3 14.3 15.8
Systems Integration ($B) 1992 13.7 16.0 19.7
Systems Integration ($B) 1993 15.8 17.9 23.4
Systems Integration ($B) 1994 14.4 20.2 22.1
Systems Integration ($B) 1995 17.5 22.9 27.6
Systems Integration ($B) 1996 18.6 25.9 30.3
Systems Integration CAGR (%) 1993-96 5.7% 13.0% 9.0%
Image Processing ($B) 1990 1.1 1.2 1.4
Image Processing ($B) 1991 1.6 1.9 2.2
Image Processing ($B) 1992 2.4 2.8 3.4
Image Processing ($B) 1993 3.3 4.0 4.8
Image Processing ($B) 1994 4.5 5.8 7.0
Image Processing ($B) 1995 6.4 8.4 10.6
Image Processing ($B) 1996 7.7 10.1 13.4
Image Processing CAGR (%) 1993-96 33.2% 36.1% 40.4%
Security Software ($B) 1990 0.7 0.8 1.0
Security Software ($B) 1991 0.8 1.0 1.2
Security Software ($B) 1992 0.9 1.2 1.4
Security Software ($B) 1993 1.0 1.4 1.7
Security Software ($B) 1994 1.1 1.6 2.1
Security Software ($B) 1995 1.3 1.9 2.6
Security Software ($B) 1996 1.4 2.1 3.0
Security Software CAGR (%) 1993-96 12.9% 14.7% 20.7%
Multiuser Software ($B) 1990 17.8 22.3 22.7
Multiuser Software ($B) 1991 21.2 24.1 28.1
Multiuser Software ($B) 1992 19.7 26.0 27.3
Multiuser Software ($B) 1993 24.4 28.1 35.1
Multiuser Software ($B) 1994 23.5 30.3 35.3
Multiuser Software ($B) 1995 26.0 32.4 40.7
Multiuser Software ($B) 1996 24.2 34.4 39.5
Multiuser Software CAGR (%) 1993-96 -0.2% 7.0% 4.0%
Geographic Information
Systems ($B) 1990 0.8 1.0 1.1
Geographic Information
Systems ($B) 1991 1.2 1.6 1.9
Geographic Information
Systems ($B) 1992 1.6 2.4 2.8
Geographic Information
Systems ($B) 1993 2.2 3.2 4.1
Geographic Information
Systems ($B) 1994 2.9 4.2 5.6
Geographic Information
Systems ($B) 1995 3.5 5.3 7.2
Geographic Information
Systems ($B) 1996 4.3 6.6 9.6
Geographic Information
Systems CAGR (%) 1993-96 24.4% 26.6% 33.1%
PC Software ($B) 1990 5.5 6.4 7.6
PC Software ($B) 1991 5.9 7.1 8.5
PC Software ($B) 1992 5.8 8.0 8.8
PC Software ($B) 1993 6.5 8.8 10.2
PC Software ($B) 1994 7.1 10.0 11.5
PC Software ($B) 1995 9.0 11.2 15.4
PC Software ($B) 1996 9.2 11.8 16.3
PC Software CAGR (%) 1993-96 12.2% 10.3% 17.1%
Excerpted with permission from Data Analysis Group. Copyright 1993, Data
Analysis Group, 3201 Hanson Road, Box 4210, Georgetown, CA 95624.
Forrester Research: LAN Operating System Market
"Forrester's recent report `New LAN O/S Pastures,' argues that LAN
operating system (LAN O/S) vendors must focus on developing new business
areas as market growth slows. In 1992, Forrester estimates that the U.S.
LAN O/S market will near $550M, with 5.6M new clients networked, and
that Novell's market share is a steady 64% of clients sold. Over the
next three years, Forrester projects that growth rates will decline--to
18% in 1992 and 12% by 1995. This is considerably lower than the 45% -
50% compounding the market enjoyed in 1989-1991.
`Several factors are draining the vigor out of LAN operating system
growth rates. Chief among them are declining PC desktop shipments--a
growing portion of PCs shipped are laptops that are not networked with
file-sharing LANs. In addition, low-end peer networks are eating away at
5 - 15 user LANs. This trend will become more acute when Microsoft ships
built-in peer networking for Windows 3.1 and NT later this year.
`In the coming market, there is not much room for Novell to grow at
breakneck speeds. Nor is there much chance for others to wrest control
of the market from Novell in basic network services such as file and
print. Instead, vendors must deliver additional servers for mail,
database and communications into existing NetWare LANs."--Forrester
U.S. Server Operating Systems Revenues
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
File/Print Servers ($M) 435 547 640 720 798
Additional Servers ($M) 99 205 371 497 636
Total Revenues ($M) 534 752 1,011 1,217 1,434
Copyright August 1992, Forrester Research Inc., 1 Brattle Square,
Cambridge, MA 02138.
Forrester Research: Worldwide Software Market
"Between 1991 and 1996, the worldwide market for business and personal
productivity software will mushroom from $45.1B to $101.5B. Forrester
also predicts that market dominance will shift dramatically in the next
five years: independent software vendors (ISVs) will wrestle control
from systems vendors, as the ISV share of the total market climbs from
45% to 57%. More importantly, ISVs will dominate the strategically
critical database and application product categories.
`The hottest segments in software will be client/server and database--
and ISVs will grab over 70% of the 19991-1996 gains in those two areas.
Meanwhile, the system vendors will still be shackled to software for
timesharing computers. And that segment will only grow at an average of
11% per year for the next half-decade. The entire client/server segment,
for example, is only 3% of the total market in 1991, but by 1996 it will
account for a substantial 20% of the market. Timesharing, though, won't
disappear--in fact, it will still total over half of the worldwide
software market in 1996. However, ISVs will be leading the market away
from timesharing, as their dependence on that platform will drop from
59% of their revenues in 1991, to only 36% of sales in 1996."--Forrester
Software segments: 1991 1996
Service and Maintenance ($B) 9.7 24.4
Applications ($B) 10.7 24.3
Development Tools ($B) 6.7 16.4
Databases ($B) 4.1 10.4
Operating Systems and Utilities ($B) 13.9 26.0
Total software ($B) 45.1 101.5
Share of Market: ISVs
versus System Vendors 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
System Vendors (%) 54.7 53.0 50.9 48.5 45.8 42.8
Independent Software
Vendors (%) 45.3 47.0 49.1 51.5 44.2 57.2
Software's Changing Platform 1991 1996
Timesharing (%) 73.7 55.6
Client/Server (%) 3.0 20.5
Filesharing (%) 8.1 9.1
Standalone (%) 15.2 14.8
Total Worldwide Market ($B) 45.1 101.5
Copyright June 1992, Forrester Research Inc., 1 Brattle Square,
Cambridge, MA 02138.
Frost & Sullivan: Network Outsourcing Market
"Rapid developments in telecommunications technology will fuel rapid
growth in the network outsourcing market and revenues to more than
triple from $2.6B in 1992 to $8.4B in 1997. Stand-alone outsourcing
companies and computer equipment providers should account for $1.4B of
this in 1992 to $4.1B in 1997. Telecommunications equipment makers and
service suppliers are forecast to see their share of the market rise
slightly as revenues jump from $1.3B to $4.3B over the five years."--
Frost & Sullivan
Total Revenue 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Total
for Network
Services ($B) 2.6 3.4 4.3 5.5 6.8 8.4 31.0
Copyright November 1992, Frost & Sullivan, 106 Fulton Street, New York,
NY 10038.
Software Publishers Association: North American PC Software Market
"The North American personal computer application software sales reached
$1.71B in the fourth quarter of 1992 and a total of $5.75B for the
calendar year. Full year sales were up 14.1% from $5.04B in 1991, while
the fourth quarter sales figure was a 9.6% increase from $1.56B in
fourth quarter of 1991. Unit sales in North America were up strongly,
increasing 36% for the year and 40% for the fourth quarter.
`Sales of DOS applications continued to decline in the fourth quarter,
dropping 15.4% from $859M to $726M. For the full year, DOS application
sales declined 12.8%. Windows application sales were $1.93B, up 95.6%
from $989M in 1991."--Software Publishers Association
PC/MS-DOS Windows
Software Segments 1991 1992 1991 1992
Entertainment ($M) 210.6 267.2 12.2 29.6
Home Education ($M) 76.0 104.3 na 12.4
Finance ($M) 188.5 220.3 13.9 45.0
Word Processors ($M) 442.6 249.0 253.3 417.9
Spreadsheets ($M) 408.4 332.1 208.6 343.6
Databases ($M) 267.8 267.2 2.9 31.2
Integrated ($M) 84.8 66.4 11.2 28.9
Utilities ($M) 207.8 154.4 21.6 98.8
Presentation Graphics ($M) 151.4 94.0 50.3 142.4
Drawing & Painting ($M) 2.0 2.5 69.6 145.0
Desktop Publishing ($M) 19.3 10.1 73.3 75.8
Other Graphics ($M) 101.8 103.4 12.2 87.5
Languages & Tools ($M) 89.2 79.0 57.2 87.1
Other Productivity ($M) 577.9 633.9 143.0 389.4
Total Software ($M) 2,962.7 2,583.8 989.0 1,934.6
Macintosh Other
Software Segments 1991 1992 1991 1992
Entertainment ($M) 25.0 31.4 16.3 13.6
Home Education ($M) 13.8 22.6 9.6 6.7
Finance ($M) 23.7 30.9 na na
Word Processors ($M) 92.5 144.3 24.2 18.4
Spreadsheets ($M) 97.8 92.5 24.4 27.0
Databases ($M) 40.1 48.2 na 1.8
Integrated ($M) 24.7 47.6 7.3 5.3
Utilities ($M) 46.7 68.3 1.0 na
Presentation Graphics ($M) 35.1 49.0 4.5 3.8
Drawing & Painting ($M) 108.9 110.3 3.0 4.0
Desktop Publishing ($M) 44.8 53.8 1.8 na
Other Graphics ($M) 66.2 69.9 6.9 3.5
Languages & Tools ($M) 20.7 18.3 84.5 75.0
Other Productivity ($M) 209.9 202.5 88.0 76.4
Total Software ($M) 823.5 989.7 270.1 237.2
Software Segments 1991 1992
Entertainment ($M) 265.4 341.8
Home Education ($M) 99.3 146.1
Finance ($M) 220.3 296.3
Word Processors ($M) 812.4 829.5
Spreadsheets ($M) 739.1 795.3
Databases ($M) 309.7 348.5
Integrated ($M) 127.9 148.1
Utilities ($M) 277.8 322.3
Presentation Graphics ($M) 242.5 289.3
Drawing & Painting ($M) 185.2 261.8
Desktop Publishing ($M) 140.4 140.6
Other Graphics ($M) 193.0 264.2
Languages & Tools ($M) 250.6 259.5
Other Productivity ($M) 1,086.6 1,302.2
Total Software ($M) 5,036.6 5,745.4
Excepted with permission from Software Publishers Association, March
1993. Copyright 1993, Software Publishers Association, 1730 M Street,
Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036.